Thursday, July 30, 2009

SCI -Spinal Cord Injury, Spinal Cord Nerve, Vertebrae & Disc Damage Regeneration & Energy Healing

SCI -Spinal Cord Injury, Spinal Cord Nerve, Vertebrae & Disc Damage Regeneration & Energy Healing

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Stroke: Stroke Damage Treatment- Paralysis and Energy Healing

Stroke: Stroke Damage Treatment- Paralysis and Energy Healing

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Nerve Injuries & Nerve damage Treatment: Energy Healing for Restoring Nerve Disease, Nerve Disorders

Nerve Injuries & Nerve damage Treatment: Energy Healing for Restoring Nerve Disease, Nerve Disorders

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Nerve Injuries & Nerve damage Treatment: Energy Healing for Restoring Nerve Disease, Nerve Disorders

Nerve Injuries & Nerve damage Treatment: Energy Healing for Restoring Nerve Disease, Nerve Disorders

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Panic attacks, How to handle Anxiety, stress

Panic attacks, How to handle Anxiety, stress

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Caregivers & Support groups How to choose who is best for you

Caregivers & Support groups How to choose who is best for you

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Children's Books for Healing: How to Communicate about Grief & Illness

Children's Books for Healing: How to Communicate about Grief & Illness

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Children's Books for Healing: How to Communicate about Grief & Illness

Children's Books for Healing: How to Communicate about Grief & Illness

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How to Overcome your Health Problems by Changing your words-

How to Overcome your Health Problems by Changing your words-

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Tuesday, March 03, 2009

Dr. Laurance Johnston's review of How to Overcome Your Health Problems by author Brent Atwater

Dr. Laurance Johnston's review of How to Overcome Your Health Problems by author Brent Atwater
Dr Laurance Johnston: Ph.D. in biochemistry and molecular biology from Northwestern University. Laurance Johnston became a FDA regulatory scientist, a NIH division director, and director of the Spinal Cord Research and Education Foundations, Paralyzed Veterans of America. More recently, Dr. Johnston has written extensively on various therapies that expand the healing spectrum of people with disabilities, including being the author of Alternative Medicine and Spinal Cord Injury: Beyond the Banks of the Mainstream.

Dr Johnston's review:

"In my efforts to research and write about various therapies that expand the healing spectrum for individuals with disabilities, I’ve come across many gifted healers. Especially impressive amongst these healers is Brent Atwater, author of A Practical Guide- How to Overcome Your Health Problems. A true renaissance woman, she is an exceptional creative and healing force, who shares with us numerous healing insights in her book. Although I’m a product of the mainstream traditional medical establishment, including being a former National-Institutes-of-Health division director, I now believe all healing has mind-body-spirit components. Much of our biochemistry and overall physical health is subordinate to the attitudes, emotions, and consciousness we adopt in everyday life. Because scientists don’t like “mind-body-spirit” healing, they’ve created a more palatable substitute term “psychoneuroimmunology.” This highfalutin word encompasses the same concept – i.e., what you think and the emotions you embrace over the long term will eventually percolate and create – good or bad results- into your physical body through neurological and hormonal physiological cascades.
Based on her extensive experience, Atwater’s book provides many great insights, gems of wisdom, and practical suggestions on how to change your attitudes to a health-enhancing and -promoting direction. It may sound easy to just “up your attitude.” But it’s hard for most of us as we cope with life’s every-day challenges to let go of the seemingly endless onslaught of disempowering, health-compromising negativity that flows through our consciousness and to replace it with life-affirming thinking. Atwater’s book provides real life applications, doable guidelines and step by step techniques to help make this shift. Although the journey may be challenging, each action you take will make the next one easier. As the Chinese sage Lao-Tzu stated, a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. Take that initial step with Atwater’s book."

Contact information:
Brent Atwater
Box 475
Southern Pines, NC 28388
NC Phone: 910.692.5206
ATL Phone: 404.242.9022
E mail:
Web site:

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Book review on How to Overcome Your Health Problems by Brent Atwater

On Amazon.come and Amazon Kindle

Reader's review:
" How is this book different from other "self-help" books? Simply put, Brent gives you all the tools and holds nothing back. I find that this in itself is unusual as many experts seem to want to "hook you in" to keep you coming back to buy something else. Not so with Brent Atwater. In my opinion, everything you need is here, you just have to start. This is a book I will always keep at hand as it's information is so valuable in everyday living while on this earth. I have personally used the tools found here to benefit myself, my husband, family and even our little rescue puppy! If you've been worried about your own health or unhappy circumstances in your life, your child's, husband's, lover's or friend's and wished you could do something, ANYTHING to affect change, than you should be reading this step-by-step manual. But be advised; the information contained here is not for the faint of heart. It is for those with an earnest desire to become an active POSITIVE participant in their own or another's life. M. Post "

Contact information:
Brent Atwater
Box 475
Southern Pines, NC 28388
NC Phone: 910.692.5206
ATL Phone: 404.242.9022
E mail:
Web site: